Com ja us vam explicar, el 27 d'Octubre els nens i nenes de sisè van preparar des de l'àrea d'Anglès una petita representació a partir d'una festa anglosaxona com és Halloween. Van decorar la classe i per grups van anar recitant un poema en anglès. 

In the dark, dark forest
down a crooked path
lived a crooked lady
and her crooked cat

In the dark, dark forest
I had lost my way,
I need some place
somewhere I could stay.

I came upon a crooked house.
It had a crooked stair.
Upon the crooked door there were
spiders everywhere.

I raised my shaky hand
to knock upon the crooked pane.
It openend very slowly...
And then... she called my name.

"Come in", she said,
"come in and sit"

"Rest your weary bones"
I sat upon her crooked chair.
I heard some moans and groans.

Just the I heard
a laughing noise.